Sunday, May 27, 2007

Away Again

I'm leaving this behind for the next 4 days

There's a place that has become one of my favourite places in the world & I'm so looking forward to spending 4 days there... Meeting old friends, making new ones... play soccer for 2 days & hopefully I can also manage to get some people hooked on pictionary. Not to mention that there's much needed fresh air...

Monday, May 14, 2007


I'm not too proud of it, but...

How smart are you?

Can you do better?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Notices That Make You Think

I want to show you a picture now. But I'll have to paint the backdrop first, in order that you would be able to completely comprehend the funny side of it.

Have you ever heard of a story, in primary school, about a guy who had gold. I forgot how he got it, but he was extremely worried that someone would find out & steal the pot of gold. He decided that he would bury the gold bars in the ground. But even that would not ease his mind. He didn't want anyone to know that there are gold bars hidden under the ground. So his final act was to put a sign board at the exact location, showing "There are no gold bars here".

Now I don't mean to tell you the moral of the story, you'll have to figure that out yourself - if you wanted to, anyway. I totally forgot what it is all about. When you grow older you start to realise that these stories don't make sense anyway. Anyway, all that matters now is that you have the background story in your minds, and you are now ready to see the picture....

You get it?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Now You Can Watch The Movie

Dear friends,

The movie, Where There's Will, There's Wei, is now up on google videos. I've split the movie into 4 parts and here are the links:

If you want to let your friends watch the movie, you'll have to pass them these links, as these videos would not appear on the video search. Also, these videos are not downloadable. And finally, please be informed that the movie would only be up till the end of June, and would be removed from the internet right after that period.

Hope you enjoy the movie. Ratings and comments are much valued.

My Drool

This is my drool.
This is my drool in comparison to my laptop mouse.

Naps after lunch is just so wonderful... May I be enjoying the remaining days of my first job like this... BLOGGING ABOUT MY COLLEAGUES!!!

Simon has a list on all of us. I anticipate the backlash!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Which Hero Are You?

Wow, you're
Hiro Nakamura!

Such a dreamer! Even when you're stuck in a rut, you still reach for the stars. Happy-go-lucky and trusting you may be, but silly you're not — you've definitely got a practical side. And no matter what the future holds for you, we know you'll have fun along the way!

Public Transport - Trains (10)

What is KTM going to do to passengers without a valid ticket? What does "Compound will be imposed" mean?

Compound (noun) :
1. A building or buildings, especially a residence or group of residences, set off and enclosed by a barrier.
2. An enclosed area used for confining prisoners of war.
Ok, I'm still not sure what they are going to a passenger without a valid ticket. Will they jail him? If so, for how long? Under what circumstances will that passenger be released? Seems as though it's a threat that authorities can do whatever they want (based on their definition of 'Compound'). Scary, ain't it?

Wow, right below the first warning as an advice, provided to you by the nice people of KTM. They are advising people to get a valid ticket before boarding the train. Doesn't this imply that you can CHOOSE NOT to have a valid ticket?

Stupid notices....
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Day 6 Part 3 Bloopers

I don't know who has been waiting for this one, but I'm really glad that I was finally able to finish day 6 bloopers & upload it with Google Video Uploader, which really rocks (will talk about that later).

This particular blooper isn't all that funny. It was a long day, so no one was really in the mood to laugh at mistakes. Probably what you'll see more in this content is to understand a bit on how we made the movie. Many things were spontaneous, and really fun, of course.

It seems that there's still something wrong with the google embeded videos, so you'll just have to go to this video link here. Cheers.