Yesterday night was the special screening of the movie Where There's Will, There's Wei, and we received a lot of feedback, both positive & negative ones. And since now the movie is over, I'll focus more on making the bloopers & blogging about my first movie... Cheers, everyone. Happy New Year, enjoy the movie.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Voice Dubbing Gone Wrong.
Yesterday night was the special screening of the movie Where There's Will, There's Wei, and we received a lot of feedback, both positive & negative ones. And since now the movie is over, I'll focus more on making the bloopers & blogging about my first movie... Cheers, everyone. Happy New Year, enjoy the movie.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'm talking about it now.
Let me try to understand the situation now. The government hires a company to make the highway. So in the agreement, the company gets the government to promise that a certain amount of cars will use that highway, thus covering cost for the company. And less the required number be met, the government would have to pay a penalty for breach of service level agreement? Am I right so far? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
So now, the increase in toll prices is the government transferring that penalty to the drivers?? Those that mean that the service levels have not been met? That the numbers have not been met? That there aren't enough cars using LDP and the others?
Hmm, wouldn't increasing the prices cause the number of the highway users to be LESS, and thus NEVER meeting the service level agreement?
More & more Malaysians own cars. And with places like Kepong & Bandar Utama developing into commercial paradises, there still aren't enough cars passing through LDP? That is very surprising...
Hmm, correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't most government money the tax payers' money? So since a part of those money is already being used to pay the penalties, what will the extra money from the toll hike pay for?
So many questions... Can someone provide me some light on this matter?
Sunday, December 10, 2006
As I type these words, my heart is heavy, my hands are weak. Because I know that by the time you read this, I'll be on my way to a far far away place. The journey won't be pleasing, as I'll be travelling with a bunch of radical, extreme, and loud people. Not forgetting to mention that they are very energetic. And I desperately need my sleep today, knowing that it's going to be a long day ahead for me. Well, at least I'm not alone. And I know your thoughts are with me as I leave my comfort zone & follow my dreams.
You won't be seeing for a while - 4 days to be exact. Perhaps being apart for this period of time will do much good to our friendship. I also want you to know that it's not easy for me to write this to you, because this keyboard is disfunctional & I need to answer nature's call like 5 minutes ago. I wish I could leave you with something - a gist of what Joash is up to - but YouTube only allows its users to upload a maximum of 10MB file... Hai... When I come back lah...
I'll be in Melaka. See you on Friday.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Everyone's Making Fun Of English Football

>> The last time the score was revealed, England were beating Germany 4-1... That was before half-time. But at the end, the headlines of the newspaper was "ENGLAND LOST ON PENALTIES"...
And after all that, a new movie is coming up next April. The movie is called The Game Of Their Lives...

Haha... It's funny. Seriously...
It's America beating England in the 1950 World Cup finals after training together for only 10 days.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Too Busy To Put Up Warning Signboards
Monday, November 27, 2006
Public Transport - Trains (7)
It was rush hour, a Friday evening. The weekend has come & everyone is extremely anxious to get home. The train was late again, and that resulted in more people having to squeeze into 1 train. It's common for commuters of Seremban - Rawang route. We can never understand why the Port Klang - Sentul trains come more often & on time when they carry less passangers. When they pass by, you would think it's an empty KFC with drops of water flowing down the windows.
And as if that's not enough to cause someone to scream & yell & kill somone (here I must congratulate Malaysians for being EXTREMELY PATIENT), the train stopped in between Putra & Segambut. We were on a stand still for 10 minutes before the captain announces that something fell onto the tracks (AGAIN!!)& we'll have to share a same track with the trains coming from the other direction.
And finally, from the silent & frustrated crowd, people started bickering (YES!!)... Strangers began to talk to each other about the many many frustrations they have faced while commuting, people started to call their loved ones to inform that they aren't physically dead - that only their HOPE DIED... And admist all these reactions toward the announcement made earlier, one stood out. In fact, he literally stood up. He & his 5 la-la friends had seats, but he suddenly stood up. For the next 2 seconds, you would hope that this young man would walk away from his seat & allow some poor old lady / a guy carrying his 2-ton laptop to have his seat.
But for the next 10 minutes, he was just standing up at his seat. He didn't allow anyone to take his seat. Nope. He was just standing there. He and his friend were still chatting happily (you can afford that when you have seats in a crowded train) when after 5 minutes 1 of his friends asked the question everyone else in that crowded coach was asking...
"Why are you standing up ar?"
You tell me if his reply wasn't enough to yell at him, put your hand on his throat & squeeze, or take out your camera phones (like the SN k800i I didn't get) and snap & blog about it the next day.
"because my butt hurts..."
Thursday, November 23, 2006
My Want
Last year the 2 big prizes were a Sony Ericsson phone (don't know what model) & a Motorola phone (don't know what model). This year, there are 4 big prizes - 2 Sony Ericsson, 1 Motorala & 1 Nokia phone. So you can imagine that our company is getting more & more successful.
Last year I only got a RM200 Giant voucher. This year, I want to get this:-

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Missing The Point
I question that reasoning, because I have not watched a minute of the live coverage. I merely read the newspapers' reports, and those alone were enough for me to consider moving away from this country in fear. I fear for my life & my loved one. I fear for the country's development & future. All that emotion & considerations were stirred by merely reading. It wasn't at all about how loud they said it, or how they veins were popping out when they gripped their fists, or the sight of people kissing the keris... It was what they said - the intent & content of those speeches.
So what happens if the same things are said & there's no live coverage?? Don't let reporters write about it?
The Star Online's columnist Wong Chun Wai shares my views. But he concluded that "after all, they get their votes in the general election from not just one but all ethnic groups". It shouldn't be about elections. Not at all. I believe that that mindset is the very thing that causes politicans to play the racial card. It should be about making Malaysia a safer place, creating a better future of our children... where they can live peacefully together with each other, without the ancient wounds that we carry.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Reporter & The "Sorry" Politician
Q: Dr Teng (state Local Government committee chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan) has said that you denied making the remark.
A: There is a misunderstanding. I have said in the press release that I apologise if my remark had hurt anyone’s feelings, including Melissa (New Straits Times reporter Melissa Darlyne Chow). I openly apologise.
J: wow, this guy apologise. Amazing. But what's that misunderstanding? Where got misunderstanding? You said something stupid, everyone is clear on that.
Q: Can you explain why the misunderstanding occurred? We had asked you whether you thought the reporter was sexily ...?
A: Reply: No ... no ... no. I have explained (in the press release) that it is a misunderstanding ... that is all.
Q: Do you think all the reporters (at the function) quoted you wrongly? We confirmed the remark with you twice.
J: This reporter is good!! Respect!!
A: I was talking about the dress code. I said (newsmen) must not wear sexy dresses (to cover council meetings) ... please do not relate this remark to the CCTV incident. I did not say because she was sexy, the incident occurred. I did not mean that.
Q: That day you said “being sexy is the issue ... and then you said if she had worn a normal dress, this would not have happened. We all heard it.
J: and that was what i read....
A: My statement was misunderstood. I was only talking about the attire in general. Do not relate it to this case because it is unfair.
Do you think that's a sincere apology? He didn't apologize for making that statement. He apologized for the being misunderstood. Can reporters take that sitting down? He's apologizing for using words that are too deep that reporters cannot understand & misintepreted the statement. Hmm, is he saying that reporters are dumb?
A Right To Express
'He told reporters later that the statement by a Penang delegate (that the Penang Malays are being neglected) was important for the Penang government led by Gerakan deputy president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon to take stock of the situation and address the problems faced by the Malays in the state.
“The actual message is that the Malays are feeling dissatisfied in Penang and they have the right to express their feelings,” he said. '
Read here for more.
I wonder if that same right is available to all Malaysians.
The Racial Card Crap.
Read here for the full report .
I don't understand the thing about "Don't play the racial card"... The fact that our Barisan National constitutes 3 political groups, each representing the 3 largest races in Malaysia, shows that it is impossible to not play the racial card. In his speech, he passionately declared that Umno will continue to fight for the Malays. He also warned others by saying "Do not make fun, question and challenge the position of the Malays and Islam in the country. Any movement in the name of freedom of religion, freedom of speech or freedom of the media will not be allowed to challenge our rights". Now with these 2 statements, isn't he protecting the Malays? Isn't he championing the cause of his people? I sn't he clearly, therefore, playing the racial card?
"We will not compromise our country's future," he told the Youth assembly yesterday (link). Amen to that, I say. And I sincerely believe that's the desire of every person living in Malaysia - politician or not, Malay or non-Malay. Unfortunately, different people have different opinions of how the future should be, and how to get there. Like Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute that claimed that Malay corporate equity could have already reached 45% and the NEP was no longer needed, and how the Umno Youth deputy chief slammed that report and said that "If we want to use the Asli figures, let's set a new target. Let's make it 70% for the Malay equity." (read here and here for more.)
I too agree that politicians should stop playing the racial card. So, shall we disband MCA, MIC, and UMNO, and create a truly MALAYSIA political group that would champion a cause for ALL MALAYSIANS?? Rightfully, this should be the way to go. But the truth is, no one can see that happening. Not in the near future, anyway. Can a Chinese feel secure without MCA? Can an Idian feel safe without MIC? Can a Malay be protected without the existence of UMNO? Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein pointed out that "beneath the surface, it's still very fragile", and I couldn't agree more. & that is exactly why there's UMNO, MCA, and MIC; that's why these organisations will continue to fight for their people; that's why he will continue to not compromise the rights and privileges of the Malays, and that's why the racial card will continue to be played.
Rightfully, we all need to be united as ONE NATION. But how far are we from that ideal? Ancient wounds need to be healed. And they won't be healed if all we do is shut up and not discuss about it. How long more shall we remain silent and let anger, pass hurt, unforgiveness & hatred hinder us from achieving TRUE UNITY, TRUE HARMONY, AND TRUE MALAYSIA?
Monday, November 13, 2006
Still No Beckham Recall?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Why Are You Doing This To Me? I HATE YOU!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Blunt Truth
Oh The Lameness
_ joash. .
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
We Want Answers
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Top Ten List - Baskin Robbins 31
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Cross yourself?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Catch Phrase (1) - In My Heart
Monday, October 16, 2006
Can The Right Prevail?
Will the fight for a voice ever end? Could we ever prevail? It's pretty obvious that the leadership of our country doesn't want to hear anything negative spoken about them. Bloggers were warned with no clear line drawed for us. I've seen Parliament meetings where politicians refusing to respond to debate and don't allow fellow politicians to 'question their integrity'. Then there are requests for respectable people to retrack their statements. And of course, there's still ISA.
What's with all these? There are people who are suffering from government orders & rules & quotas & whatnots - should these voices be silenced just because it might piss people off? To make sure the right prevails, the stepping on toes is inevitable. I believe if the government is genuinely concerned that some 'inappropriate' statement would cause riots or any bad stuff to happen, then they should look into dealing with the root problems. I know it won't be easy, but shutting people up ain't going to solve anything. And there's no need to mention that it's impossible to shut everyone up.
And what's the deal with getting people to retrack their comments or statements anyway? Things that have been said have been said. It's not like the minds of Malaysians will stop pondering about issues highlighted. So let the actions & results prove them wrong. Malaysians aren't so dumb that we can't think for ourselves.
Let the doubters speak, and let our actions speak for themselves.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
On the news
The newscaster was saying something about a recent study revealing that most Malaysians have only RM100 in their savings accounts. And in response to this, a politician (won't tell who) said during some speech somewhere that 'if parents don't save, it would be difficult to send their children to higher learning institutions & that the burden would have to be beared by the government'. WOW, WHAT REVELATION!! DUH!!
The forecasts concerning the haze seriously pisses me off, man. The lady kept saying that according to so-and-so forecast, due to the wind-blowing-at-whatever-speed-and-direction, that WE CAN EXPECT clearer skies & greater visibility. But the past week the haze situation has got worse. MY EXPECTATION IS NOT MET, TV2!! So who can I blame for not meeting my expectations??
Then there's this recent study in Australia proving that 'having a DVD playing + screen in your car would increase the likelihood of accidents, as other drivers would be attracted to check out the source of the flashing lights in your car'. I laughed after watching that news. I can't believe that they need a study to realise that. But that was not the end. tv2 showed the same thing AGAIN the following night, as though it's some super discovery that deserves a noble award or something. I was dumbfounded.
Leave you with 2 phrases lah...
Friday, October 06, 2006
I dunno, press the button and find out...
Your Famous Last Words Will Be: |
"I dunno, press the button and find out." |
Wait a minute...
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Public Transport - Trains (6)
For some reason, the counter dude decided to give himself a break & close the counter. Now the "TUTUP" sign is obviously self-made, so I reckon that KTM doesn't close its counters until after the final route is completed. So I had to queue up along with the rest of us who doesn't own a TOUCH 'n Go Card to buy our ticket from the ticket machine. If you're a frequent KTM user, you'll know that the ticket machines are super unfriendly towards coins (that's another problem altogether). And as you can guess, the train left without me, and I had to wait for another 30 minutes for the next train (that's ANOTHER problem too!!). Funny how the Sentul route trains carry so much less people (you can see drops of water forming on the windows) but appears faithfully & always on time(problem #3!!).
Now, perhaps that KTM staff who placed the "TUTUP" sign during rush hour, when he was needed most, had an emergency to attend to. I mean, come on, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. And I'm all out for food, man. If you're hungry, go & have a meal.
This sign occasionally appears at Segambut KTM slightly after 9am. But thankfully the crowd then is way smaller and it wouldn't cause too much of a problem.
What KTM needs to do is place 2 personnels, at least, at each counter. I remember once the electricity was down at Segambut train station, and that affected even the TOUCH 'n GO cardholders. Of course the ticket machine can't be used too, so everyone had to rely on the KTM personnels. And guess what? There were 2 personnels there!! 1 was handling the tickets, while another was using a machine to help those using TOUCH 'n Go.
So my question is - why the inconsistency? Kadang-kadang ada satu, kadang-kadang ada dua.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Project Petaling Street
"Sign up" was spelled as "Singup", and for a while there I thought I just entered a singing competition.
"Received was spelled as "recieved"... Has anyone ever informed the moderators about this?
**Had a dream last night about checking my mailbox to find 170 emails from Cely. Could it be a prophecy? Don't know if I should rejoice or mourn...
Monday, September 25, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Give them a chance.
Don't make Mat Rempits state enemy number 1, alright? Too much has been said about them. Why should we cast our hatred towards these people? All of us have bad habits that we need help with. Yes, perhaps their Rempit-ing is a more annoying & obvious habit when compared to our foul-mouth, back-stabbing, gossiping, littering, cursing, judging, prideful ways.... but how can we treat them as lower class citizens?
I'm not saying that The Mat Rempits situation isn't serious or doesn't need attention. But to say that they are hopeless, stupid, uselss to society - that's equivalent to putting down an entire generation, damning them to failure & insignificance. And to be saying all these while standing on the sidelines & condemn efforts to help this situation is inappropriate indeed.
We don't have all the answers yet. But at least we make the first step towards change. Give grace.
God bless Malaysia.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Featured at last!!

Monday, September 18, 2006
The movie started off with the line "A story like mine should never be told", and at the end of the movie, I couldn't agree more.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Proton Advertisement
Isn't Proton a government company? And isn't the government also responsible for the public transportation infrastructure of our country? So now because they do a lousy job with the public transport system we have to get a car from them?? And mind you, it's NOT going to be RM288 per month. Remember that you're also paying the government money for petrol & road tax.
So now we are encouraged to buy car, resulting in more cars on the road. Then you'll have traffic jam, then you'll have to make the road bigger, wider. Then have to build more roads. Building roads need money, so have to put tolls and sell more cars. And the circle goes on.
Listen to me. Sell Proton. LISTEN!! Take all the resources from there & make them taskforce to improve the public transport system. Reduces pollution, reduces road accidents (death toll). We also won't have to worry about competing with import cars (besides, those cars are much better anyway. More safety features, more environment-friendly). Then we can export more petroleum to generate more money. Without traffic jams & travelling heartaches, Malaysians will be under less stress. Workers will be more energized & motivated upon arriving the office. Bloggers won't use office hours to complain about how the bus came late. Greater effectiveness, more creativity, increased productivity.
"but our workers only know how to build proton cars...."
"then make the trains like LOOOOOOOONG proton cars loh... Use your brain, use your brain."
Let me breathe
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Money Politics
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Safe Neighbourhoods
Safe Universities Please?
I am gutted as I read and hear of crimes happening in universities. In a place where we expect doctors, engineers, scientists and what-nots to emerge, we hear of peeping-toms, rape, sodomy, sexual harassments, gang fights, bully, thefts... Then there are neighbouring universaties whose students intentionally hurt one another in the name of justice & idealogy.
My friend returned to KL for a one week holiday. It was only 6 weeks since she left for university and already she has told of several crimes happening in her university & hostel. She said that her friends had their clothes stolen. She also witnessed a snatch-theft at the main bus stop.
All she can do is take preventive measures & live her life cautiously. All I can do is pray & write. Can someone who can & is suppose to do something do something to make universities safe again?
Monday, September 04, 2006
What if, Kenny?

Anyway, something he said really got me thinking....

What if they do really name a road after him? Hmm. What are the possible consequences of such a move? Here are a few:
1. If a tourist calls his/her friend and is asking for directions and somehow ended up on this road, he/she won't be able to tell where he/she is.
2. If a crime happens on that street, no one would bother calling in to report the crime as pronouncing & waiting for the police officer to grasp what you're saying would be an impossible task.
3. Perhaps sending an sms would be easier, but by that time the criminal would have escaped and the victim, bled to death.
4. If your office is there, you won't be able to order pizza or any fast food.
5. School teachers would have to attend a week of special training to learn how to teach students to pronounce & memorize that name.
6. A very busy road or highway would be named with it & toll booths would be in place. Those who can pronounce the name would receive a discount.
Just a thought....
Steve Irwin dies.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Don't believe this - Free Sony Erricsson k400i WAP H/ Phone
Please pass on to all your friends and relatives the following mail from Sony Erricsson.
Sony Erricsson is giving away phones for free. Sony Erricsson is trying word-of-mouth advertising to introduce its product and the reward you receive for advertising for them is a free phone free of cost. To receive your free phone all you have to do is to send this email out to 8 people (for a free Sony Erricsson j200i) or 20 people (for a free Sony Erricsson k400i WAP).
Within 2 weeks you will receive a free phone. (They will contact you through your e-mail address).
Please mark a copy to:-
Can you see? They ask you to mark a copy to that particular email address - why? They want you to believe that the email address is genuine (with the & that the email is REAL. But it's not. How do I know?
Friday, September 01, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
For once in a long time I am finally able to spend more than 2 hours at my office desk, where no one asks me what I am doing or gives me any work. Here I can do whatever I want whenever I want to. Here, everything is more effective, more efficient, and more fun.
Let me share with you how work has been like here in my company & what I have to put up with:
1. An insecure colleague who has the urge of repeating everything she says twice. If you know your Math & your English, that's 3 times I have to hear her mention the same thing. My mom is older than her & she only repeats once!! And she only does that because she forgot that she had mentioned in a day or 2 ago. I'm not exaggerating one bit.
2. Colleagues who raise their voice when I manage to challenge something they said. It is my practice to stop talking when the other party begins to raise their voice, as it is a sign of irrationality. So often times they & other people have the perception that I lost the argument. AND, they often say one thing at this same & then say something totally different later. I call this lying.
3. Colleagues who plan on Monday to come to work on the coming weekend & expect me to join along. Very softly I say, "Why are you planning to come in to work on the weekend when it's only Monday? You're allowing yourselves to procrastinate. Why not plan how we can finish the work over the weekdays? That way we all can enjoy our weekend?"... After a moment of silence, they raise their voice again & say "Can finish the work meh? Sure cannot finish one?"...
4. 2 incompetent managers whose supposed-job is to manage our work. But the slow work progress is mostly due to their failure to hire additional resources (and hiring at the right time), their obvious desire to please the client & totally neglect the people who will have to do the real work, their imcompetence in time management of meetings, their annoying questions, & their lousy timing. Sigh, I use to like one of them, but that was when he was just a supervisor handling 1 department. He's a real nice guy, but I just can't work under him.
5. Programmers & developers who actually blame the QA team for not testing thoroughly enough when they themselves have not tested their own program!!
Hopefully this will give you a gist of what's going on in my workplace. Maybe I'll blog about the real incidents & you'll get a clearer picture. I have to insist here, though, that apart from work I do like these colleagues of mine. But the daily dose of stupidity is truly unbearable.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
2.30am Phone Call
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Fly Away
Monday, July 17, 2006
Evening News
This family had been facing financial problems. Husband lost his job a few months back. Don't really know what triggered the mom to want to commit suicide, along with the 4 children. 2 managed to escape. I wonder if the other 2 even knew what's coming. I wonder if anyone offered to help them get back on their feet. I wonder if I would give to this family if they came to me. I know something needs to be done, but I don't know what.
Anyone thinks that cutting out suicide scenes would help? If this would help, then we shouldn't publish news that talks of people jumping down from a tall building. Then CSI shows would have to be banned, because they give details on a murderer's ways. They even mention what mistakes a murderer made that led to his arrest - so would that help other murderers from avoiding the same mistakes? Not forgetting the local shows that depicts how the husband beats up his wife.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
The World Cup 2006 - Semi Finals (2)
Public Transport - Day and Night
So the alternative route I chose is Jalan Ipoh batu 3 - Jalan Duta round-about - Jalan Kuching - Taman SPPK - Taman Sri Sinar. Anyone familiar with this route? This particular taxi driver wasn't. Can't blame him lah. We were suppose to stick left to be able to turn into SPPK from Jalan Kuching, but we missed the turn. He stopped on the emergency lane, slowly go backwards, and managed to take the left turn.
I was too busy looking at the back to make sure we don't collide with any oncoming vehicle, I didn't pay attention to the fare metre to know how long and how much we wasted for his mistake. I was wondering if he would admit his mistake and give me a 50 cents discount. Wouldn't that be nice? I wasn't very hopeful though. Most probably we would not be mentioning that particular mistake of his and I'll just pay whatever is on the fare metre. Guess what happened?
I was half right. I arrived home and the fare was RM8.80. And then the shock of my life... Not only did he not give me a discount, he looked me in the eye and....
Taxi Driver: Bang, kasi RM10 boleh? Sebab tadi ada jam...
Me: (shocked, mouth wide open) masa jam pun ada charge 'kat metre kan?
Taxi Driver: (pissed and unhappy) ok lah... 9 ringgit lah.I was too shocked, I tell you. Looking back at that incident, maybe I should have shouted "Nei mm hou gi gi kat kat ar!!"
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
This Morning
Heard a rumour that Metrobus won't be allowed in KL town from July onwards... but thank goodness it wasn't true. I got a lovely seat and the journey was smooth. As I walked towards my office, I experienced something I have not seen in a long while. A van actually stopped at the Zebra crossing to let me walk across first. Wow. There are still courteous and law-abiding Malaysians around. That put a smile on my face. If I had a camera with me, I would have taken a picture of the driver and sing of his praises.
So I was in a good mood walking into the office today. I had it all figured out. I was going to spend the whole day in the comfort of the office, working on a 115-page document. I would make myself a cup of joe and write a few blogs before fully focusing on my work... And then I met my colleague. He was the one that gave me that unnecessary task of changing the format of a 115-page document and now he wants to go and perform some testing. Basically what i need to do is create transactions and transmit them to our partners. If an error was found, I would have to wait for them to debug before sending another transaction over. I don't understand why they need another man to do such an insignificant task. Couldn't they do it on their own?
Sigh... what a day spoiler. Potong steam... i wonder if you're (yes the non-existent-reader you) having a bad start to your day. The following pictures were taken a month ago. It's the sunset view at Kolam Air. Hope it will contribute something good to your day. I'm out.
The World Cup 2006 - Semi Finals (1)
Monday, July 03, 2006
The World Cup 2006 - Quarter Finals
Monday, June 26, 2006
I told you so....
NS + Firearms?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
The World Cup 2006 (10)

"Who the man? I the man. Who the man? I the man. *throws up*"
Man, he does look pale... I know the football ain't that beautiful in this game, but I still wished I had seen the match. No Astro...*sob*. A Beckham free kick sealed the game. He made history by becoming the first Englishman to score in 3 World Cups, all in dead-ball situations.Can anyone tell me if he's the first to throw up in a World Cup match?
Portugal's performance was pretty impressive. The 3 frontmen for Netherlands tried to expose Portugal's defense with their speed, but Scolari's men did exceptionally well to break the attacks. I wonder how they will match up against England. I would say Portugal go into that quarter final match as favourites to win. But they'll have to hope that Beckham doesn't feel queasy next Saturday.
So there goes my team of choice again. Czech Republic gone, and now the Netherlands. Won't be seeing these 3 guys in action together anytime soon.
What I think about Anonymous (2)
Thursday, June 22, 2006
A Moment Gone
The World Cup 2006 (9)

Oh, hey, Pavel... What's going on? Why you're looking so down? Oh... you don't want to talk about it? Oh, you'll just show me some pictures? Oh ok.... Let's see now.

Oh, another 1 of your teammates did something stupid to earn a red card in last night's match? I can see what you mean. You guys struggled with 10-men in the last game too, against Ghana. It must have been even harder last night, huh?
Ya, I saw Italy's second goal too. Amazing how this dude actually beat your off-side trap and scored a goal, huh?Petr almost managed to steal the ball away from his feet... It was so close. He tried his darnest, I'm sure. To be fair to him, you all did leave the defense exposed... I guess you all really trust him to deliver the stops while you all chased the game.
Yea, I feel for you, Pavel. Can I call you Pablo? Pablo is so much easier to pronouce, and it sounds cool too. Oh Pablo is an Italian name? Is that what you think, you racist?!!
Ok ok, I'm sorry. I know you're in a bad mood. Your last tournament and the team failed to perform up to your potential. I was hoping you all would go all the way. I guess now you'll have to let the younger ones fulfill your dream now, huh? Oh speaking of younger ones, I have a picture of one of your young teammates... Can you recognise him?
That's right. It's Tomas Rosicky, the headless chicken. Now we both know why Fergie didn't buy him... So inconsistent. Anyhow, I do hope he'll find his head soon. He has potential. I still believe that.