Friday, March 31, 2006
New haircut
Public Transportation - Buses (2)
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Laptop trouble
Dang it... Spilled water on my laptop just now. Hmm... I wonder what will happen next... A new laptop by the company? Come on, it's not like they gave me a brand new laptop. It's 4 years old, and the hard disc was ruined anyway. Come to think about it, I'm like the "old laptop spoiler". If this one is spoiled too, then I've ended the lives of 2 laptops already. But I'm hoping that after some heat and a few days' rest would be enough to restore this laptop.
Right now I'm using my desktop... Yes, the company let me keep a desktop and a laptop. You would think they wouldn't mind giving me a new laptop, wouldn't you? Just hope it doesn't come out of my year-end bonus... =(
It's time we pray, people...
Monday, March 27, 2006
MSN (1)
Chatting online came into my life only 6 months ago. I know, I'm outdated. I'm not really an IT or computer savvy person. I'm different from most of my generation in that sense.
There's a whole new lingo in this "online chat" world. I don't know who started it, but everyone uses it. The new lingo, along with emoticons, helps the conversation online to be as real as possible. Nevertheless, the ill-effects are undeniable. Many in my generation are constantly making really basic spelling and grammar mistakes in writing and in speech. My dad said that in 3 years' time, most students will have such problems, and I agree.
I find some quite useful, others I just find peculiar... GTG="got to go" and BRB="be right back" is quite alright. But I have a problem with LOL="laughing out loud".
People normally use LOL to show that they are laughing. Why? Why not use "haha"? I mean, in real life conversations, what comes out from your mouth when you find something amusing or funny? Imagine a Comedy Central Presents episode where the audience doesn't laugh or clap, and instead you hear hundreds of people saying "Laughing out loud!".
And why do people put "z" or "x" behind "LOL"? I mean, i know what "LOL" means, but how does Z or X fit into the picture? Does someone have a good explanation for this?
By the way, if you have msn and would like to add me, here's my email account - .
Meetings (2)
Have you ever attended a meeting where someone has to explain the most confusing thing? It would sound like the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard, and the dude is trying hard to defend the reasoning behind it all. Well, some people just like to make matters worse...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Public Transportation - Trains (4)
Monday, March 20, 2006
I want this!!

Of course I can pay for the T-shirt. Just find it for me, ok? Ok thank you.
Public Transportation - Trains (3)
Public Transportation - Trains (2)
Lady A : Aiya, no more seat ar?Lady B : Never mind lah, it's very fast one.Lady C : Ya ya. I don't mind not sitting, as long as I get to lean on something.