Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Little Things In Life
We recently celebrated our 5-years together as a couple. And I can very gladly say that I wish for no one else to spend my life with.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Documentary - Johor Flood
After 2 weeks of uploading with Google Video Uploader, I can finally show the world my little documentary on the recent Johor floodings. Footage were taken in Batu Pahat, Johor, on January 26, 2007. This is way overdue, of course. But recently the government has been talking about measures taken in preparation for yet another possible series of floods, and the problem with that is that after an entire year, we still don't have (or have not heard of) a long term solution in PREVENTING such disasters from happening again.
There are still problems with embeded google videos, so here's the link to my little documentary. I hope that in this time, it will serve as a reminder to all Malaysians.
Friday, November 23, 2007
2nd Prize
It was really nerve-wrecking to wait for the results with May & Freddi. The MC was counting down from 10th place & we kept saying "don't call our name, please don't call our name". Good thing we were told beforehand that we were in the top 5, haha!! But in the end, we were beaten by a worthy opponent, & the results were fair. It's a bittersweet feeling, though, knowing that there was a 50% chance we would get first prize and RM2000 more.
Well, all in all, I'm grateful for the outcome of my first attempt in a video competition and my first taste of fame. Knowing that I could have done so much better with the video, I have confidence moving forward.
A big THANKS to all those who voted for us.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Vote For Freddi & Co.
To view our first submission, click here.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Izzi Ain't Easy...
So, until I return IzziYou, get my refund & switch to Streamyx, it's going to be like this...
I'm no genius, but I managed to save myself RM60 with this ingenius idea.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Freddi, May and myself attended the briefing last Saturday, and we had the chance to meet our rivals. The organisers also showed the videos of the 10 finalists (except ours, don't know why) and boy oh boy, the competition is going to be extremely tough. Maybe that's why I'm not as excited as my friends are for me. Doing a travelogue has always been my desire, and I really felt I could impress The Star with the 2nd phase of the competition. But it didn't turn out the way I expected it to be.
The task is this: showcase the nice places to visit & food to eat along the route from KL to Penang, and do it all in a 3-minute video. 3 MINUTES?!! That is going to be tough. Another tough part would be that we don't know when we are to submit our final video. Organisers are keeping it a surprise. But they are asking that we bring laptops to edit our videos in Penang, so I'm guessing that we'll have to get it done by the following day.
1 thing I like about the competition is that we have about 8 - 10 hours to travel from KL and Penang, thus having much time to explore the countrysides. So friends, if you know of a really nice place with beautiful scenes & tasty food along the KL-Penang route, please let me know. And when I meet tasty food, I don't mean FAMOUS FOOD. I mean TASTY FOOD. REALLY REALLY GOOD FOOD. It would be nice if you used to live there before or something... Email me at or leave a comment here.
I thank you so much for your help. Wish us luck.
Oh, by the way, our team is called Freddi & Co., named after my ex-colleague.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Star Drive For Food Contest
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A New Blog
That's right, folks. This blog of mine has a new title & a new bloglink. Unfortunately, some random dude has immediately snatched up my old address, so I think I'll have to rebuild my reader base all over again. And that might be a good thing too. After all, I do have a new name.
Why the new name? Well, it just inspires me to write. I suppose it serves as a new motivation for me to express myself with words again. Thinking about the new blog title itself has inspired many many materials. And I'm really excited about it.
So why haven't I blogged lately? Well, my blogging mojo is at a halt because my neighbour has ceased to provide me with free WIFI (God bless him), and I have just recently purchased a new connection. It's IzziYou - a 4G wiredless broadband thing, something very new on the market. You can check it out at I just hope I didn't jump onto the bandwagon too early. My house has no phone line, so adding that to the Streamyx subscription, the cost is about the same as Izzi. The fact that Izzi is mobile made it a simple choice for me. The device is as big as a mobile phone, maybe half as heavy.
Anyway, back to the reason why I haven't been blogging as frequent as I wished. Well, simply, the connection speed is very slow. It's so slow that sometimes I can't open my gmail or blogger. It's so slow that I did a speedtest provided by their website, and there were several times where the test couldn't be completed. And when there was a result, I took a screen shot of it, but it's so slow that I am unable to show it to you here. That's right, I am no longer able to upload any photos or videos online. To a blogger & vlogger like myself, that's huge.
But I'm still giving Izzi a chance. I called the hotline today, and the customer service rep was kind enough to call me back (I got no more credit). And somehow he managed to convince me that he'll be able to take all my connection blues away, & will extend my full-refund period (originally 1 week) until they stop trying. I think you can't ask for more.
So, until I'm able to post photos and videos, it's going to be just me and my words. Seems like I've not done that in a while. Thank you to all the readers who continue reading my blog & somehow find me more interesting than I really am.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
My New Tripod
I don't really know what I would do with it, and I forgot why I bought it in the first place (see, that's how good Caleb's salesmanship is...).
Caleb's camera certainly look nice with the tripod (or is it because I took a nice picture of it with MY camera?), but it can't completely carry the weight of my video camera, especially if you want to hang it on a tree branch...
I think this setting will stay for a while... picture taken with Caleb's camera.
Clearly I don't have much to say.... This post shall go under Randoms & Lame.
p.s. I won't be updating much here. I'll come back when I sort things out =) Please visit my b4jc blog if you want to get updated on my life. Or see nice pictures & videos =)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
A Closure
Day 1 Part 2
Day 2 Part 1
Day 2 Part 2
Day 2 Part 3
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 Part 2
Day 6 Part 3
Day 7
And this is Day 8 Bloopers...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Flight of the Conchords
I discovered Flight Of The Conchords after watching this performance on the David Letterman show. To fully appreciate their efforts, you have to listen closely to their lyrics. Trust me, this one is worth your time. They now have their own tv show with HBO, but I strongly recommend that you watch their live performances.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Singapore,Here I Come!!
And my favourite cap!! (Even though I don't have a cap-wearing kinda face)
Now the next move would be to stop blogging, start packing, get some sleep & hope I can wake up at 6am. Fingers crossed.
ps. Of course I'll bring my video camera!! Pictionary? See lah...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Small Legacy

Freddie, you have a way of getting things done that I admire.... Cheers...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Fake Astro Ad
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Joseph Teng turns 24
Here are pictures taken in a mamak stall at Menjalara as we celebrated Joseph's birthday...
1) When Brandon's order came, I got a shock of my life. He ordered Air Limau Panas!! NEVER in my life I heard someone order that. The normal order would be Limau AIS!! Anyway, I wanted him to pose with the drink, but Lemuel just had to be in the picture...
2) Turned out the Burst Mode on my camera. What happens is that the subject would have to come up with as many different facial expressions as possible... Brandon was sporting enough to participate. Joseph of course is the King...
Monday, June 25, 2007
4 days to go

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
8 days to go...
To whom it may concern,
Can I know what happened to the tasty biscuits we used to have? Is because the budget for cookies is now shared between 23rd floor & 26th floor? I know it's a small matter, but I think since we use to have that privilege, we should know why we have been deprived of it.
The tasty biscuits we once had....
now, just these...=(
Thank you.Joash.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
14 days to go
After lunch, we bought 2 fans for the office!! HAHA!!! COOL AIR!!!
Amazingly, the centralized air-con was fixed on the same day. SUPER COOL AIR!!!
It sounds great!! I LOVE IT!!

Can throw this away now... YAY.
It's been a pretty good day, I would say...
Monday, June 11, 2007
15 days to go
Another thing I cannot understand is how the management have failed to rectify the problem with the centralized air conditioning... Plus, some genius thought that it would be nice to make one row of people freeze, and the other row sweat... No one in my company can explain that. It's a phenomenon I tell you. How idiotic or drunk or poisoned a person has to be to install the air-cons in such a fashion??
It left me with an easy choice really... I left this place on the 23rd floor...

Me, Myself, & David Tao singing through the speakers and no one's complaining.
There's a new air-con installed right above place I was sitting, but the air that came out of it smelt like my football jerseys, soaked in water for a week... It was bad lah... Good thing I didn't need it though, because the centralized air-conditioning was working perfectly here.
And I passed the remainder of this day with peace & comfort.
Friday, June 08, 2007
16 days to go

Thursday, June 07, 2007
Count Down - 17 days to go

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Away Again
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Notices That Make You Think
Have you ever heard of a story, in primary school, about a guy who had gold. I forgot how he got it, but he was extremely worried that someone would find out & steal the pot of gold. He decided that he would bury the gold bars in the ground. But even that would not ease his mind. He didn't want anyone to know that there are gold bars hidden under the ground. So his final act was to put a sign board at the exact location, showing "There are no gold bars here".
Now I don't mean to tell you the moral of the story, you'll have to figure that out yourself - if you wanted to, anyway. I totally forgot what it is all about. When you grow older you start to realise that these stories don't make sense anyway. Anyway, all that matters now is that you have the background story in your minds, and you are now ready to see the picture....

You get it?
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Now You Can Watch The Movie
Dear friends,
The movie, Where There's Will, There's Wei, is now up on google videos. I've split the movie into 4 parts and here are the links:
If you want to let your friends watch the movie, you'll have to pass them these links, as these videos would not appear on the video search. Also, these videos are not downloadable. And finally, please be informed that the movie would only be up till the end of June, and would be removed from the internet right after that period.

Hope you enjoy the movie. Ratings and comments are much valued.
My Drool
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Which Hero Are You?
Public Transport - Trains (10)
Compound (noun) :Ok, I'm still not sure what they are going to a passenger without a valid ticket. Will they jail him? If so, for how long? Under what circumstances will that passenger be released? Seems as though it's a threat that authorities can do whatever they want (based on their definition of 'Compound'). Scary, ain't it?
1. A building or buildings, especially a residence or group of residences, set off and enclosed by a barrier.
2. An enclosed area used for confining prisoners of war.
Wow, right below the first warning as an advice, provided to you by the nice people of KTM. They are advising people to get a valid ticket before boarding the train. Doesn't this imply that you can CHOOSE NOT to have a valid ticket?
Stupid notices....