Wayne Rooney, England's True Saviour.
I'm no genius, but maybe I can help...
Wayne Rooney, England's True Saviour.
This picture was taken only yesterday (26/3/2007), and I dare say that such sights can be seen on a weekly basis (at least). And it's in such situations that the idiots in us surface and make things worse. Sometimes I can't blame them for forcing their way into the crowded trains and thus causing more discomfort to everyone. If you ever had a bad way at work, surely you know how desperate we all can be to go home, even if it's just 5 minutes earlier.
Yet there are certain things that certain people do that make you wish you had super powers...
I have no problem with people resting during working hours. In fact, I believe it's necessary. I mean, you would at least have to consider toilet breaks, right? Why did this guy have to create his own "REHAT" sign? Is KTM abusing their workers? And why isn't there another person standing by the ticket counter?
Sometimes I like to lean against the pole too. BUT NOT WHEN THE PLACE IS PACKED & EVERYONE'S STRUGGLING TO BALANCE THEMSELVES!! You think they're just ignorant and stupid, so you say "Excuse Me" and hope they would get the message. But don't be shocked when the only thing that they move is their head to look at your direction and their eye balls to stare at you...
Hannah, 9 years old, proceeded to say,
"Why they put the word 'GATE' there 1? Like people don't know..."
I suppose after all that "oh Malaysians are warm & friendly", "Check out our tourist spots we prepared for you", & "Look at our Eye!!", there's nothing left for Our Minister of Tourism to say... So he decides to officially (and publically) piss off bloggers & our Indians brothers... My friend pointed out an irony - his statement alone would do the damage he accused bloggers of causing. Probably it's been too quiet in that office of his...
And now I'm going to guess the content of his next public statement... You saw it first on MalaysianLah, friends... Here goes:
(use your mouse to higlighted the space above)