Freddi, May and myself attended the briefing last Saturday, and we had the chance to meet our rivals. The organisers also showed the videos of the 10 finalists (except ours, don't know why) and boy oh boy, the competition is going to be extremely tough. Maybe that's why I'm not as excited as my friends are for me. Doing a travelogue has always been my desire, and I really felt I could impress The Star with the 2nd phase of the competition. But it didn't turn out the way I expected it to be.
The task is this: showcase the nice places to visit & food to eat along the route from KL to Penang, and do it all in a 3-minute video. 3 MINUTES?!! That is going to be tough. Another tough part would be that we don't know when we are to submit our final video. Organisers are keeping it a surprise. But they are asking that we bring laptops to edit our videos in Penang, so I'm guessing that we'll have to get it done by the following day.
1 thing I like about the competition is that we have about 8 - 10 hours to travel from KL and Penang, thus having much time to explore the countrysides. So friends, if you know of a really nice place with beautiful scenes & tasty food along the KL-Penang route, please let me know. And when I meet tasty food, I don't mean FAMOUS FOOD. I mean TASTY FOOD. REALLY REALLY GOOD FOOD. It would be nice if you used to live there before or something... Email me at joashchan@gmail.com or leave a comment here.
I thank you so much for your help. Wish us luck.
Oh, by the way, our team is called Freddi & Co., named after my ex-colleague.