Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Picture Tag
1. Answer the questions below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of explanation
2. Tag 5 other people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question.
1. The age you'll be on your next birthday:

2. A place you'd like to travel to:

New York City, because people tell me that's the place to learn film making. I would also love to meet David Letterman...
3. Your favourite place:

I took a while to think about it... And the soccer field is my favourite place to be - so many things I can say about what the beautiful game does to me....
4. Your favourite food:

Definitely definitely home cooked food - mom, dad, myself... it works...
5. Your favourite pet:

A DUCK!! Okay, I don't really have a favourite pet...
6. Your favourite colour combination:

7. Your favourite piece of clothing:

8. Your all-time favourite song:

9. Your favourite TV show:

10. First name of your significant other/crush:

11. The town in which you live:

Kay Ell.. Kay Ell... that's what she said... I mean, Alina. That's what she said on her blog...
12. Your screen name/nickname:

13. Your first job: Tuition Teacher - no interesting picture on that one. Trust me.
14. Your dream job:

A singer songwriter... Trying to convince my brother to form a band.

And yes, a politician too. I think I can juggle 3 jobs...
15. A bad habit you have:

16. Your worst fear:

Getting lost... Like in the series, Lost. They are seriously lost. And unless they want to stop earning the big bucks, they'll have to remain lost. Like... forever....
17. The one thing you'd like to do before you die:

Punch a whale... IN THE FACE!!.
Ok I took too long to finish this post, but I think it's a worthwhile read.
I tag: Josephine Kang, and ok, I don't think anyone else reads my blog....
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
JB Log 9
Definitely 1 of my favourites of being a videographer - entering a convention in Suntec, Singapore, as media. It feels great.
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. What is your pet's name?
Don't have a pet.
2. What is your most favorite thing to do?
3. Three things you plan to do before you die.
1. Raise a family.
2. Start & run a youth centre.
3. Be a rich & famous film-maker.
4. If you have a close close close close friend since childhood who loves to take away whatever you like, including guys/girls, and he/she always wins, will you still consider him/her your friend?
Who came up with this dumb question?
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
To do all the things I listed on question 3.
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My limbs.
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Get married, start a production company, make a movie.
9. If you can choose a place for retirement, where would it be?
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Josephine - great smile, sincere, responsible.
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Can sing, adores me, loves God.
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Radio DJs. They play the dumbest songs these days...
13. What is your ambition?
14. What is the best thing that can happen to you?
To get flithy rich.
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
16. If you have to choose between career and family, which will you choose?
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
18. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
19. A song that tells the story of your life?
In Repair by John Mayer.
20. If u were to have God's Power, what would you do?
I'll... I'll... sing....
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
JB Log 8: Quick Updates
Yet another cool experience - attending a press conference!! That was last Friday. Rubbing shoulders with the likes of ntv7 is really amazing, & humbling (cause of their high-tech stuff). These reporters really take their jobs seriously. Hope we'll one day become as professional as they are.
Cruelty found in Danga World Petting Zoo!!Haha!! Can you believe that the mouse had been in there for about 9 hours at the time of this picture? We didn't stay long enough to witness the kill. Probably the snake got eaten by the mouse (mighty mouse!!).
Mosquitos have been appearing in our room lately. We suspect 1 of our housemates are breeding them.
Ok, off to more video shoots now. Can't wait to get that new teammate ~~ where are you??
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
JB Log 7: Series of Unfortunate Events
1st: MAGGOTS!!

I was hoping to personally say a big thank you to my boss for giving us that 1 week break, but only managed to smile as he rushed for a meeting. He called later, surprising us with an almost unbelievable task - make 21 videos in 2 weeks!! That's crazy!! But Joe & I are determinded to make it happen. We have these yellow stick-ons that will help us keep track of our everyday work schedule. We still don't have a board, so the cupboard will have to do for now.
3rd: Almost useless footage
4th: I still don't have a bed!!
So tonight I go sleep on a frameless bed, hoping that the maggots won't come alive & eat me in my sleep (eat joseph, please!!) & wishing for a better tomorrow. ZZzzzz....
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
JB Log 6
Ok let me share with you another highlight of mine. Last Friday, while we were covering the Landmark IT Mall Computer Fair, I approached a girl (with name card & everything) in view of recruiting her into our video crew. It was a real breakthrough for me, as I had been having this fear of approaching unknown pretty girls. I shouldn't have this fear - afterall, I'm going to be a big-time director.
I got down her email, & in case she doesn't reply emails we do know where she works (& studies). The plan is to meet up with her, get to know her personally, try her out in several video shoots, then only determine how or if we want to integrate her into our video crew. I'm excited about it. She seems excited about it too, so let's hope this works out well.

Thursday, March 13, 2008
JB Log 5
Nowhere else to hang our clothes... so the room smells like wet laundry.
We finally got the table we needed to work like normal people, but it somehow slipped people's minds that chairs and tables normally come in pairs. And guess what? I still don't have a bed!!
mattress with brick-like pillows
The weather isn't helping too. It's been raining for the entire week here in JB. And when it rains in JB, it rains the whole day. & because we live by the sea (I think), the rain smells like a dirty toilet!! The only good side about it is that we don't have to go out for videoshoots. I miss covering events - hanging out with the press, free pass to events, meeting new people. But it seems that March is a dry season for events. We figure it's due to CNY & General Elections...
Joe lying comfortably on his queen-sized bed, watching a movie
Wishlist for next week:
1. Get my bed!!
2. Events to cover.
3. NUKE to KILL all dustmites.
4. New teammate on crew!! Girl!!
5. No rain!!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
JB Log 4
So we spent last night & this morning cleaning our room with our boss' powerful vacuum cleaner.
& we found out what caused us to itch for the past 2 days - dustmites. It was really disgusting!!
Now our room looks like this.
Drying the bed sheet using 3 chairs. & here's a look on our working condition.
Yes, it is messed up. Our backs are aching really badly right now. We didn't get our tables, nor did we get our extra bed, in spite of the best efforts of the HR girl. So overall, it's been a shitty day. Our shit is emotional & all, but we still put in our best efforts in producing videos. Hopefully the boss & our sponsors will see our desire to do our best for them, & respond by giving us the best living & working environment possible.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
JB Log 3
You remember the new place we were given to live & work in? Well, I took some pictures, from the 4 corners of the room. These pictures have in no way been editted or manipulated. It's raw!! Are you ready?
Yup that's it... We still managed to produce 1 video on Friday, but boy it wasn't pleasant.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
JB Log 1
But just as we were about to get comfortable with 2 of us OWNING the whole apartment, our boss asks us to move in with 4 other people. Worst part is that we have to share 1 room!! How crappy is that?! From a big apartment to sharing a room? We're going to sleep, eat, & do work in that small rectangle!! GOSH!! How sucky is that?
There's a lifeline though. The original plan was to provide us with an apartment cum office in Danga Walk (office lots). And that can only be realised if we manage to get more people to work together with us. So, if you do anybody who lives in JB, loves to be on & off camera, has a great personality & enjoys working in a team, let me know at joashchan@gmail.com.
I'm actually blogging in the car, parked outside Festive Street Mall, using their free WIFI (ya, we still don't have internet connection - sad right?). And we're hungry, so I think I'll just leave the rest for another time. Come back soon.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A Professional Vlogger I Am
With me I brought a bag of clothes, 2 amatuer video cameras, & Joseph Teng. Haha, yup. We're the pilot crew of this project & thank God I'm working with someone good. I'll reveal the website at a later stage, for the simple reason that we haven't really got any work done. We've only been here 5 days, the company is at its' beginning stages so we don't really have much to work with.
We have an apartment provided for us, which is nice. But we're still waiting on things like internet connection (I'm blogging from a cyber cafe). There's no car, so we have to go on foot for food, internet, groceries, & events in Danga Bay. It's good exercise, but I'm really hoping that we'll get a car soon. Living & eating in Danga Bay is slightly off our budget at the current moment. The apartment has microwave oven & an electrical kettle, so we sometimes cook maggi. But that's no way to live. & gosh there aren't any mamaks nearby!!
Anyway, in spite of it all, I'm pretty excited about the future. It's one of my dream jobs. Only downside is staying away from my family & loved ones. I miss them a lot (going back next Friday!! YAY!!).
Pictures coming up.
Friday, February 01, 2008
My First Rock Concert
Tonight will my first time attending a rock concert. The other concert I attended was hardly rock, it was Lee Hom. Now, it's SWITCHFOOT!! I believe they are one of those bands that would turn up a gear in concert, rather than just play like the album. Hope they won't disappoint, cause my hopes are high up!! And I'm sacrificing a lot - I don't really like to stand for 4 whole hours & buying overpriced mineral water.
But you know, the main factor that caused me to want to go to their concert is their podcasts on YouTube. I really really really want to meet the guy behind all those videos. This guy is having 1 of my dream jobs!! To follow a bunch of rockers & just document their every move, make videos for the world to see... Wow. I hope to get a picture & even do an interview with him. Who knows? He might even be nice enough to bring me backstage!! I won't bring my video camera (in fear of being taken /stolen away from me), but I'll take May's digital camera.
Should be fun.