Friday, February 17, 2006

Lunch (2)

Some people blame my colleagues for being rude; others give me a weird look; maybe my colleagues think I'm anti-social - The idea of having lunch alone seems so unacceptable by many. Don't get me wrong. I love to have lunches with people. It's one of the things I enjoy doing. But recently I've found out that people actually fear eating alone.
I had to break this mindset too. One day I just decided that it has to stop. I can't let my fear or mindset of eating alone stop me from eating the things I want to eat (I think it was that day that I started to gain weight). I stepped out of the box, and was determined to enjoy my lunch hour, with or without company. In fact, having lunch alone is pretty fun.
For one, you can observe your surroundings better without company, and be amazed by the little details of life. You'll see things that you usually don't see, or have not seen before despite walking the same route for so long. And you surely you don't want to be interrupting your friend's words when you saw something that caught your attention, unless your lunchmate has the same tendencies... Another thing I love to do while eating out alone is to reflect on past events. Just think about the things I could have done better in a certain situation, things like that.... You know, things only you can do when you're alone in a crowd.
If you're person that loves attention or trick people, then you should definitely try eating out alone. Order something that smells really good, or something that looks tasty. As you wait for the food comes, take out your fancy camera phone. Take a picture - make sure someone's looking at you take the picture and capture a spot in the restaurant that has no significance whatsoever. Haha, I think it's a cool idea. I would do it!! If only I had a camera phone....
Again, just want to help some people who just can't eat out alone for whatever reasons. Try it. If you can't be happy alone, how can you make someone happy? =)

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