Thursday, June 28, 2007

Joseph Teng turns 24

Here are pictures taken in a mamak stall at Menjalara as we celebrated Joseph's birthday...

1) When Brandon's order came, I got a shock of my life. He ordered Air Limau Panas!! NEVER in my life I heard someone order that. The normal order would be Limau AIS!! Anyway, I wanted him to pose with the drink, but Lemuel just had to be in the picture...

2) Turned out the Burst Mode on my camera. What happens is that the subject would have to come up with as many different facial expressions as possible... Brandon was sporting enough to participate. Joseph of course is the King...

Happy Birthday, Joseph. Glad you're always a year older than I am...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, I'm not the only one on earth who enjoys air limau panas. eh? hehehe. Of course on a hot day, I'll order air limau ais lah.=)