Monday, March 26, 2007

BlogLinks of Mine

warning: this post is labelled "Lame".

Finally made a decision today to participate in NuffNang. And since I would have to be perform some HTML editting, I decided to finally upgrade my Blogger template.

I became indecisive when it came to categorizing the bloglinks at the sidebar. Initially I was thinking about putting the title "Blogroll" and then list down every blog I read. But it seemed unsuitable & rather untruthful, because there are blogs that I don't visit on a daily basis - like my friends' blogs. They don't update frequently, so I only drop by once in a while, just to be up to speed with their lives. So that can't be seen as "blogrolling", right? It's more like... "blogdroppingby"s or something...

Maybe I'm taking this too seriously, but I think the blogs that one blogrolls really reflects one's personality. What they like, what they are passionate about, what makes them.... tick. Ok I am taking this too seriously. But just recently I was blamed by someone who watched a lousy movie. I previously linked Yasmin Ahmad. I use to link her writings, and furthermore she's a movie maker. So my friend assumes that I recommend every Yasmin Ahmad movie, and was terribly disappointed by Mukhsin. Gosh, I've never even watched a Yasmin Ahmad film before!! Anyway, since I've not been reading her blog for such a long time now, her link is removed.

So I figured that perhaps it was best to categorized the blogs I read into "Friends' Blog" and "Blogroll". But then the other problem surfaced - how does one define "Friends"? Where do Cely, Earl, and Daniel fit in? They have my number, we chat online, they've invited me for outings (not that I've attended any. YET)... So are they friends? Will they get offended if I don't call them as friends? Would they despise the notion of being friends with someone like me? I dare not assume anything.

Finally I've decided that under the "Friends' Blog" section will be the people that I've actually met before. I've seen Cely a few times, so she'll be there. And I believe I'm the only one who accurately translate the name of her blog (from mandarin to english) too. So yea...

And just so that there would no longer be any misunderstandings and people blaming me for bad material/products/movies on other sites, the other category would be "Blogs I Frequent". I don't always agree with them, but I like reading their blogs as they are thought-provoking and sometimes entertaining. If Daniel says he likes a song, it doesn't mean I like that same song. It also doesn't mean that I read/see everything Earl posts on his blog...

So what did I just say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Disagreeing at times, is healthy. Would like to hear your thoughts every now and again. When to meet la? Get this friend/no friend thing over and done with. Kuala Selangor this Saturday???