Monday, October 16, 2006

Can The Right Prevail?

Will the fight for a voice ever end? Could we ever prevail? It's pretty obvious that the leadership of our country doesn't want to hear anything negative spoken about them. Bloggers were warned with no clear line drawed for us. I've seen Parliament meetings where politicians refusing to respond to debate and don't allow fellow politicians to 'question their integrity'. Then there are requests for respectable people to retrack their statements. And of course, there's still ISA.

What's with all these? There are people who are suffering from government orders & rules & quotas & whatnots - should these voices be silenced just because it might piss people off? To make sure the right prevails, the stepping on toes is inevitable. I believe if the government is genuinely concerned that some 'inappropriate' statement would cause riots or any bad stuff to happen, then they should look into dealing with the root problems. I know it won't be easy, but shutting people up ain't going to solve anything. And there's no need to mention that it's impossible to shut everyone up.

And what's the deal with getting people to retrack their comments or statements anyway? Things that have been said have been said. It's not like the minds of Malaysians will stop pondering about issues highlighted. So let the actions & results prove them wrong. Malaysians aren't so dumb that we can't think for ourselves.

Let the doubters speak, and let our actions speak for themselves.


Wombat said...

The problem is not that the goverment thinks that people like you and me are stupid. Far from that. In fact they know very well that people like us can make good decisions by ourselves.

What they are more concerned is another group of people in the less urban/rural areas who for various reasons are less exposed to the media and information and who will tend to believe anything if one harps on it long enough. This is their worry. And the goverment knows this group of people deliver a lot of votes thus it is imperative that they don't get brainwashed by parties not on the govt's side. And what is the best way to do that? Control of the media and the desemination of information, censorship, and other tools which I am sure you know about.

Which is why we will always be some barking third rate country unless this is changed.

Joash Chan said...

Wombat, thanks for your insight. You revealed another side of the picture which I did not know of.