Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Blunt Truth

Last night I was listening to the tv2 news while playing Winning Eleven... yes, again... Only this time, it wasn't funny.
The newscaster reported a conversation in the parliament. One dude was expressing his concerns for providing equal opportunities for all races to handle government projects, or the lack of that equality. Immediately I paused my game & turned my head towards the tv. On screen was another dude, I think lah, and obviously the footage was from the 'parliament tv'. Tv2 didn't let us hear the exact words he said, but he looked extremely calm to me.
He said something along the lines of "yes, the malays are getting all the projects, but this will still benefit all races". He continued to say that in fact, other races are benefitting more because most of the suppliers are Chinese & Indians. 
I don't know what you heard, but I sense a great vibe of RACISM here. But I would like to hear your thoughts first before writing more.


Anonymous said...

Sounds a little racist if you ask me...but I stopped watching terrestrial TV ages ago...all govt controlled...

Anonymous said...

They can be good source of entertainment. (pun intended)
Try this:

Anonymous said...

my ethnics lecturer: yes, the malays are getting all the discounts and perks but this is benefiting the country. Now the chinese and indians would have to work extra harder, and this is good for our country.

Dude, I shit you not.

Anonymous said...

yes.. you may call it racism, but i think it was the gov over protected the bumiputra.. not really trying to be racist.

but sorry, i m racist.

cant help. Gov has been unfair to non-bumiputra...

Joash Chan said...

cely, you don't have to apologize. I just it's hard not be racist in our country, because that's how we're treated.

Ben, I would make a huh hay about that if I were you. thanks for visiting my blog.

tuna, sad but true. And extremely funny too!!

Daniel, i guess you have a life. That's why you stopped watching tv... =)

Anonymous said...

I am sorry when we all were kids....all of them....mums and dads ..and teachers and uncles and aunties..had to keep it from us. we had to learn it this by ourselves.

If we were told this when we were young, would we have believed it?