Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oh The Lameness

2 of my colleagues were discussing about the doorgift for the company annual dinner...
Colleague A: So what's on your mind?
Colleague B: My brain...
Joash: Stupid. Your mind is in your brain. Your brain is in your head, not on your mind.
Colleague B: OK loh, you win loh...
Don't say I reacted unnecessarily. Seriously, I can't take it anymore. Having a 2 hour lunch with them earlier had really taken a toll on me. Maybe it's the age difference, but their humour is totally of a different brand. It's senseless to me, but everyone else laughs. Worse when they use me as the subject matter... ARgghh!! Their jokes are so lame & senseless, I can't even remember them!!

_ joash.
http://b4jc.blogspot.com. http://fccjournal.blogspot.com . http://malaysianlah.blogspot.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get your colleagues to join the blog meet, I'll sort them out free of charge for ya! :-)