Monday, April 09, 2007

Bird Shit.

I like trees. I like birds too. But I don't like trees that attract birds who shit on people as they have lunch.
There are 3 places I know that has that deadly combination. And they so happen to be the places that I frequent most. My office, my church, and May's place. Every evening I leave the office in terror. It's like I'm passing through a battlefield, in the line of fire. Literally, I can hear drops of droppings hitting the ground. On occasions the droppings would fall 2 inches away from my feet, as though the birds are teasing me.

Sometimes in the morning I would buy nasi lemak before going up to the office. And the fragrance of nasi lemak won't be the first thing enters into my nose - it'll be the bird droppings. It's all over the floor!! In fact, most times I can't smell nasi lemak at all. I think I'm immune to bird flu.

So you can imagine how much I hate these birds and the trees that attract them. But I don't think this will solve anything.

Before this they just scare the birds away with gun shots. Now they literally kill them.

I don't like this approach of problem solving for several reasons.

1. This is not a hunting zone. There are cars & people walking around these places. People might get hurt - by a bullet or a falling bird.
2. This is a short-term solution. Animals don't leave because they are hunted. They leave when they lose their habitation. They didn't come here because it's a nice place to shit. They're here because of the trees planted here!!
3. The noise - gosh it's so darn annoying. And they just HAVE to do it during rush hour, when everyone's tired after a long day.

I have a video showing one of these dudes swinging a bird (not sure if it's dead or alive), throwing it up in the air, & let it fall on the ground. Hope I can show it to you soon.

Really, I can't believe that they can't figure out why the birds like to hang out in these places. A little scientific research would help them get to the root of the problem & find a win-win situation for us all. Just get those UNI students to perform that research, I'm sure they are more than capable. Find these birds a place where they can be free to fly, hang out, and shit. Hell, if you're good enough, you can even toilet-train them. Then plant trees that would not attract these birds, so that we won't have to eat & walk in fear of bird droppings.
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Anonymous said...

ahhaha... i know that i know that...!

i also walk very fast when passing the 'da vinci' shop opposite the sogo.. there also quite a battlefield!

prakashdaniel said...

dude, that bird shit things happens to me at times as well la, but yeah the shooting is freakin annoyin man...and hope you get a better laptop man...

desiree said...

hahaha. i remember that one.

Anonymous said...

Jo, don't forget. You like trees and you do like birds. You know very well that birds are the inhabitants of trees and they depend on it for their life.

If you insist on the authorities to get rid of those trees or in other words, chop them down, you had better think of a good spot for replanting these trees or else, you won't have a choice but to leave them there no matter how annoying the birds are. If the trees were to go down, trust me you would feel the KL heat rising as you have your lunch.

With love
Haunting Angel

Joash Chan said...

Cely: I rarely pass by that place =) You should try the KWSP side. More exciting!!

beany11: thank you for your good wishes. Fingers crossed.

Desiree: Darn bird shit disrupted our fellowship that day.

Haunting Angel: I'm aware that removing the trees isn't the best idea, which is why I did not suggest / insist on that. I'm saying that they should work harder on a better solution.